Based on LeafyAnimations's Whiteboards! Still in progress. Current WB:
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after a hiatus, i'm coming back!
fmbigben in #22
good bye guys i am no longer affiliated with lwb effective in lwb#19
I just joined
it's back at the front page guys
how tf did my nugget gedagedigeda oh drawing get deleted but the maxdesignpro image did not
me being dead in LORES2 should be canon
Incorrect LeafyWB quote: Bazzz: God, if only someone loved me… friesmybeloved: standing behind them with roses NumberTwo_TPOT: holding box of chocolates RussiaSFSR: has balloons and a card Xander: facepalms This is sad.
i think the first victim of the lore was otay because when wb 13 started otay didnt show up and never showed up ever
dangit leafy aint making wb15