its just begun! the official Periodic Table Of Comic Studio is here! so yeah :]
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Never even realized my element looks like Yoylite 💀
Do you want a bo’o o’ watoh
Hey guys, I can't make your elements cause im not right now so I only have my phone and I make my sprites on computer :[ but keep suggesting!
:D please add :)
I want to make to make a element but I’m under 13, so I can’t comment so I’m just gonna do it here. 1. Name:eraseoid 2. It’s actually like that one liquid that can crumple your computer. 3. Some sort of blue liquid that’s solid when touch it 4. It’s really like calcium but blue.
how to describe your element: step 1: name step 2: state. is it a metal? is it a gas? a non-metal? a liquid? step 3: color, how it looks. step 4: write here whatever it can do. (your choice if you wanna do step 4) ok now you know
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