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Create comics with BFDIA CAMP characters and send them to your friends!
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Create comics with RB's IDFB CAMP characters and send them to your friends!
Create comics with One Piece's characters and send them to your friends!
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Not only is ASR 1 (2) dropping tommorow, ASR 1 (3) also drops! Maybe even (4) if you guys are lucky.
Don't worry, I've made a shield to block my 1h dead Notifs. AHHHHHHH-
I'm not sure that anyone is interested in Archie Sonic: Reimagined (ASR) but would you guys like me to skip the Introduction Arc (Since it's mainly filler to set up for the next arc and really isn't story-relevant.)?
Random stuff: If you search up (scene.studio) you get a 403 error saying "FORBIDDEN." This probes that it's actually being worked on.
tagged with spoilers The fact that Sonic is getting insane character development in what you could only call an "Introduction" Arc is wild.
If you all enjoyed the first part of the first issue (which I can definitely see you guys did) another one is coming out today! They will always come out everyday, but you might expect two parts or even three per day!
At one point Syruppy is going to get 2,763 followers
Momentarily dead CS 4: The Final Rise Of The Boogaloo
The amount of 0 commented comics on my feed is diabolical
ok I'm making an actual One Piece Comic Studio that won't die I hope