Hi guys! So this is me Making a Sugary Spire Studio since the old one will not be updated!
So, it comes to no surprise that Sugary Spire is my First love (You know what I mean). My first comics were sugary spire comics (even though they are deleted and lost to time), my old oc was a Pizzelle reskin, and FOR CRYING PUT LOUD, MY NAME IS SUGARYFAN13!!!! And I’ve wanted to make a studio for awhile, but there was already one that was good… so bad luck… that is.
The creator went through some… Changes I won’t specify… and now the user under it quit. And since the new Demo is out, I thought “eh sure why not”. And now we Have “Sugary Spire (Definitive) Comic Studio!”
-With the New Exhibition Spites
-Better quality sprites (atleast I’ll try)
-Will actually get updated.
Cool Right! Well the only problem is… I’m a mobile user, and porting sprites with out that stupid “Yellow clothes” with good quality is not gonna turn out…. Good. So I NEED moderators! If you guys are willing to help import sprites, that be swell! Make sure you have Experience!
But that’s all. I hope this studio turns out well…