By using Comic Studio, you agree to follow these rules at all times when using the site and its linked services (subreddit, Discord server and Facebook page). Violation of these terms may result in your ability to use the site getting restricted.
At any time while using the site or linked services:
Comic Studio is based in the USA, with servers hosted in Canada; as such, anything done here is subject to the laws of both countries.
We don't support any form of cyberbullying or calls for physical harm, and any comics processed via the site that break this rule may be deleted.
Sharing others' or your own private information is not allowed and will be taken down.
Any content created through our site or linked services that is deemed to be spam will be deleted wherever possible, and bans may be issued if necessary.
If you are banned and would like to be unbanned, please contact me. Ultimately, if you don't want to follow our rules, there's always other places to get your entertainment...
While sharing your comics on the site:
Sexual jokes are allowed with the "sensitive" comic checkbox, but outright NSFW content is not allowed.
There's a line between casual joking about serious topics and saying things that make other people uncomfortable. Put simply: a funny dog with a caption that says "not too fond of gay people" is fine, an image calling for the death of lesbians is not. This also includes slurs.
Please use the "offensive content" warning whenever doing anything near this line.
We don't tolerate anyone encouraging the suffering of others, and we will punish accordingly if done with malice.
While it isn't a bannable offense, it causes unrest and clogs the report system. Use text posts to talk about it and/or message the moderators if necessary.
Same as above - these kinds of posts are allowed as text posts if tagged properly, but otherwise can seem like thrusting your problems onto others.
While making comic creators through our site:
Please verify the origin of any images you host on the site; when in doubt, it's best to only use sprites you've drawn or ripped yourself.
We will respect any requests made to take down others' content.
If content on our site is struck down, make no attempts to restore it. Otherwise, you may be held liable.
As with the rule above for comics, please censor any nudity if included in the source material you're adapting.
We take no responsibility for the actions of any user who violates these terms, and we reserve the right to change these terms at any time.
Comic Studio respects the intellectual property rights of others. Per the DMCA, we will respond expeditiously to claims of copyright infringement on the Site if submitted to our Copyright Agent as described below. Upon receipt of a notice alleging copyright infringement, We will take whatever action it deems appropriate within its sole discretion, including removal of the allegedly infringing materials and termination of access for repeat infringers of copyright protected content.
If you believe that your intellectual property rights have been violated by us or by a third party who has uploaded materials to our website, please provide the following information to the designated Copyright Agent listed below:
Comic Studio may request additional information before removing any allegedly infringing material. In the event we remove the allegedly infringing materials, we will immediately notify the person responsible for posting such materials that we removed or disabled access to the materials. We may also provide the responsible person with your email address so that the person may respond to your allegations.
Pursuant to 17 U.S.C. 512(c). Comic Studio designated Copyright Agent is:
Jonathan Bailey
3157 Gentilly Blvd Suite # 2254
New Orleans, LA 70122
Phone: 1-504-356-4555
Email: [email protected]