Dandys world- Headcanon #1. Glisten - He often shows off, and people think he's full of himself. But what he really wants is just someone to notice him. "Hahahaaa! ...I'm fine." He says this when he's really not. His twisted version is alone and wants someone near him. His eyes aren't completely red because his entirety isn't twisted. Only when the toons get to ele, he get's scared.
There are loads of implications that Glisten is insecure about himself and keeps a prideful facade in order to mask it, all of which tie to Glisten's autophobia (fear of being abandoned and/or all alone) without anyone to help him or be by his side. (got this from wiki!)
He's SUPERR insecure abt himself.
last headcanon- or canon? Glisten vents to Rodger most of the time.