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album cover for 88☆彡 and starry sky melody
haven’t drawn in a while oops experimental doodles for fun!
Wishing you a very happy birthday!
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the pjsk movie will be so good but then vbs and wxs will show up in their new outfits and ruin everything
silly lil comic :3
Happy birthday Shiho :D
DAY 21 day 21 is the album cover for the songs 'Voices' and 'the WALL'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 such bangers!!! in love with this art
ᛝ day 16 — flyer 2dmv art
HOLY COW??? THESE SCREENSHOTS LOOK AMAZING??? THE GALAXY LIGHTNING??? THE DESIGNS??? If this movie isn't impressive in the writing department (which I'm sure it will be) Its DEFENIETLY gonna be impressive in the visual department. So excited to pira- I mean legally watch this movie!
album cover for kirapipi kirapika and filament fever