Make comic's with VS Imposter characters and also other among us FNF mods!
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I kept this a secret but I was actually never allowed to swear like y'all
back to reviewing
I still cannot believe you all. You guys make countless posts on him in danger, you drive his friend away, you make him almost retire many times, you guys made posts on killing him, and now this? He gave you all, 5 CHANCES. And you broke them all.
I’m fucking upset. Of ALL THE PEOPLE you could’ve chosen to be corrupted, you HAD to do SonicTails. You and carscar are fucking kids and you think we are stronger then me and Neo who are grown adults! Fucking retards
A redesign!
Folks, I'm about to go see Sonic 3
fnf lyircs i made up
About this cover is that there is no flashback scene bcz why not?
These turned out to be good imo